Monday, June 26, 2006

Started New Job with great group of kids whos lives would put perspective into all of ours. Turns out Art therapy also involves rough n tumble football games. It was great fun.

Ishies got two new pet rats called Ozzy & Hendrix.
Tali had a great weekend at RockNess festival with fat boy slim etc.
and I have to go & do some art to clear my 'artists' block, right now, I promised.


Ed said...

What's the name of those flowers in that first photo? Is it 'foxglove', or something like that?

Liking the names of those rats!

Ed said...

Do you ever get the impression that he's bitter about something or other...?

VickyS said...

yeah foxglove.

and don't get me started on fact i've enough rage to feed a plethora of Wendy books.