Saturday, July 03, 2010

Dreamed I was flying high above the trees, over the hills

life balance ?
art is balancing input and output, feeding the subconsious then creating. recently life has speeded up, rushing past me in a break neck adventure, no time to rest or breathe, no time to be, to doodle & art-play. sky, sea and stories filling by brain, coming out in dreams if not pictures. 

the dials are all spinning, juggling plates.

work life balance, this summer isn't seeing much money coming in, the projects who's deadlines hang over me are all long term strategy's. But big adventures still have bills to pay. Jet-set hobo ( thanks to David Baillie for that expression ), rock and rolling, gathering no moss. all work and no play, well plenty of play just no rest, can feel exhaustion kicking in. art is my rest and play.

Rich bought me a flying lesson voucher for my birthday back in March. I'd been savoring it for calm, peaceful times, but we've realised there aren't any - so shoehorned it into the schedule today. It was incredible ! lovely it! Highland Aviation, highly recommended and well worth the money !

will re jog the website as soon as there is time, tweak the layout, add paypal buttons to sell prints.
will blog up the remaining section of Junes adventures.
am working flat out to colour Slaughtermans Creed as the inked pages come in.
am working flat out on interpretive panel historical glass mosaic.
am prepping for Russia trip ? have I not blogged about that YET ? later!
am working flat out on large canvases of figurative work for exhibition at the airport in September.
delivered 4 paintings to strathpeffers 'Around' gallery today, theme of 'Fire'.
HIE doing consultation about businesses in our community, about to let loose the rants, but its not just our community its the UK has a rotten attitude to art, comics, illustration, crafts...but thats another one for another day.

more soon..gotta dash

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