Thursday, February 18, 2010

Steam Punk

Heres the sketch for something I'm working on at the moment. I realised I had a problem with steam punk, & that is I can think Victoriana without thinking pollution, poverty, social injustice, the excesses of imperialism, yes even in my fantastical imaginings have a social agenda, At what cost would gleaming crystal palaces, zepplins, robots & steam machines come at ?.. so Here's the waifs, but we couldn't leave them there in the stinking workhouse, thank goodness for the philanthropists!


Kev Levell said...

Steampunk is trickier than it appears... this is fab though!

Richmond said...

thank goodness for the philanthropists!

Or are they..?

Matt said...

Wow! That's awesome. What's this for? A comic or a painting or something?

VickyS said...

Thanks chaps! I've finished the full colour version, Its a submission for a book ( Kev knows which one! ) fingers crossed! Good fun, I like a challenge But wish I didn't need to have so many tight deadlines! I'll show the full versions as soon as appropriate.

Stephen Downey said...

looks really cool. Looking forward to seeing the finished piece :)