part of the reason for having a blog is to spur me to keep producing art to put up here, of course life isn't like that. The Art I'm working on at present I can't show until I get the Okay from clients, or its for publishing. Production also slows down as life speeds up.
With inspiration comes frustration, so much I want to do, so many obstacles.
" its like his thoughts are too big for his head ", no outlet.
Next emotional Roller coaster is the Pearl Jam concert in London August, seeing Hero Eddie singing those lyrics which mean so much to me will blow my poor wee mind! There's a Pearl Jam competition to paint images inspired by their lyrics on at the moment, there's a lot of emotion going into these images... watch this space. And yes I am a sad fan girl... so what !
There's a time for output and a time for ideas, activity, input.
There has been fire call outs and lots to do as a union rep.
I was first on scene at a Bike crash on the hill pass when off duty.
We have a new rescue cat.
Rich has been away and back twice.
We are busy trying navigate funding bodies for help with HiEX2010.
The charity that owns the land my crafts studio is on has very controversially been taken over by another committee, so I'm up to my eyes in legal documents to try & assure security of tenure for my sub-tenants.
Everyday seems to bring good news-bad news, with no time to digest or assimilate.
I've taken up archeology site hunting & mapping again, hours cross referencing google earth, databases and hunting for piles of rocks. Its all such a big adventure, and a big battle.I met one of my Heroes this weekend Benedict Allen, why do I have heroes? why do they inspire so? in the dark times friends to project hopes and fears upon? my dream of travelling to the Altai Mountains of Siberia has been a touchstone for years, Benedict's books just seem to strike a chord, it always seemed silly to me to dream such lofty plans, to latch onto the unobtainable but now I see the sense in it.
There has been fire call outs and lots to do as a union rep.
I was first on scene at a Bike crash on the hill pass when off duty.
We have a new rescue cat.
Rich has been away and back twice.
We are busy trying navigate funding bodies for help with HiEX2010.
The charity that owns the land my crafts studio is on has very controversially been taken over by another committee, so I'm up to my eyes in legal documents to try & assure security of tenure for my sub-tenants.
Everyday seems to bring good news-bad news, with no time to digest or assimilate.
I've taken up archeology site hunting & mapping again, hours cross referencing google earth, databases and hunting for piles of rocks. Its all such a big adventure, and a big battle.I met one of my Heroes this weekend Benedict Allen, why do I have heroes? why do they inspire so? in the dark times friends to project hopes and fears upon? my dream of travelling to the Altai Mountains of Siberia has been a touchstone for years, Benedict's books just seem to strike a chord, it always seemed silly to me to dream such lofty plans, to latch onto the unobtainable but now I see the sense in it.
Benedict was exactly the sort of person I'd imagined he'd be - perhaps more so ! how unusual to meet someone so accomplished, without ego, guile or pretence. Perhaps it takes a truly strong person to let go of all those defenses? I need to trust my instincts, follow my dreams without worrying why, without analysing so much. Of course as an artist one is expected to analyse and articulate why we paint what we do, then the public side needs separating from the personal, its hard to get the balance. But the Heroes who inspire us and the demons which drive us do their work regardless of whether we understand them or not.
With inspiration comes frustration, so much I want to do, so many obstacles.
" its like his thoughts are too big for his head ", no outlet.
Next emotional Roller coaster is the Pearl Jam concert in London August, seeing Hero Eddie singing those lyrics which mean so much to me will blow my poor wee mind! There's a Pearl Jam competition to paint images inspired by their lyrics on at the moment, there's a lot of emotion going into these images... watch this space. And yes I am a sad fan girl... so what !
Meanwhile there's no time for this idle pontificating, I have MASSES of work to get through. Currently painting Victorian brickwork.
Thankyou for reading my friends. Normal service will be resumed soon.